Al Tamman Investments LLC is registered in the Sultanate of Oman as a wholly Omani owned limited liability company. H.E. Sheikh Salim Bin Mustahail Bin Ahmed Al Mashani is the Chairman of the Company. Headquartered in Muscat, the Company is primarily engaged in investment activities including security portfolio and other businesses …

Al Tamman Trading engages in the exploration and mining of mineral resources in Oman. The company is primed to be the facilitating vehicle for strategic investment and sustainable development in the sector, thereby directly or indirectly stimulating further growth in Oman's mineral sector. The company's objective is to fulfill its founders ...

Al Tamman Group is a leading emerging private investor in Oman with a diversified investment portfolio spread across multiple sectors, asset classes and geographies. Our investments range from primary and secondary public market investments to private equity investments including greenfield projects, brownfield projects, joint ventures and ...

Al Tamman Indsil Ferrochrome LLC, operational facilities are spread over an area of 19 hectares. Located at Free Zone Sohar. The facilities are connected by the Sohar Port which is around 10km away from the plant. The Installed capacity of the smelting plant is 75,000 mtpa high carbon Ferrochrome. The Company is a 50:50 Joint Venture between ...

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