China. HS Code. 8455213000. Product Description. The function of 135m finishing mill group. The finishing mill group is composed of top crossed 45° High-speed wire-rod finishing mills. The finishing mill group is located in high-speed wire-rod workshop. Through 10 unit rack the continuous micro-tension rolling mill will be transported upstream ...

Hot strip finishing mill is initially set up with rolling conditions such as roll speed, roll gap, and cooling pattern obtained by a set-up model. To improve the accuracy of initial roll speed setting for a 7–stand finishing mill, an equation for predicting forward slip and a compensation method for initial roll speed setting were proposed ...

A wide variety of finishing mill roll options are available to you, such as hot rolling mill, cold rolling mill. You can also choose from container plate, boiler plate, and structure pipe. As well as from free samples, paid samples. There are 27,576 finishing mill roll suppliers, mainly located in Asia.

Ryu JH, Kwon O, Lee PJ, Kim YM (1992) Evaluation of the finishing roll surface deterioration at hot strip mill. ISIJ Int 32(11):1221–1223. Article Google Scholar 13. Serajzadeh S (2008) Effects of rolling parameters on work-roll temperature distribution in the hot rolling of steels. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 35:859–866

The cleaning and inspection of the roll box (1). Thoroughly clean all parts removed from the roller box in the finishing rolling mill and blow dry, and carefully check for wear and damage to determine whether it can be reused. (2). Remove the plugs of the lubricating oil pipe and the cooling water pipe, and flush all the pipes with a high-pressure spray gun to remove all pollution, silt, iron ...

The Hot Rolling Process The primary function of the Hot Strip Mill is to reheat semi-finished steel slabs of steel nearly to their melting point, then roll them thinner and longer through 12 successive rolling mill stands driven by motors totaling 77,000 hp, and finally coiling up the lengthened steel sheet for transport to the next process.

high quality and different size Hot Rolling Mill We can design, produce,manufacture, install and test various steel rolling.I. Specification of the steel ... rolling mill group, dia 400mm rough rolling mill group and medium rolling mill group, dia 320mm medium rolling mill group, 300 medium rolling mill group, 280mm, 250 mm, 220mm finishing rolling mill...

A finishing mill performs a set of operations in a hot strip rolling mill, and is a complex unit including many processes and control loops. Its modelling is a challenging task due to the variety of phenomena that occur within the mill, and variable transport delays. Model validation is also challenging due to a scarcity of measurements.

Mill Processing & Finishing. Applications in which our knives are used include Flat Rolled Coil and Sheet Processing Lines for: Cut-to-Length. Galvanizing. Hot Roll Finishing. Recoil & Inspection. We manufacture every type of knife used on every kind of mill processing and finishing line. Our knife selection includes:

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