Carbon Steel 4-Hi /4-Roll Cold Rolling Mill Specification of four-roll, six-roll cold rolling Production Line Items Specifications 1 Width range(mm) 350-1450 2 Highest speed(m/min) 1500 3 Max rolling force(T) 2000 4 Max coiling tension(T) 24 5 Finished Product Thickness(mm) 0.08+ 5 Application in Alloy steel 65Mn and 30 CrMn 6 Various profile adjustment Positive /negative bending of working ...
Ihi Cold Rolling Mill. 4hi cold rolling mill the 4hi mill is a kind of cold rolling processing machineit is suitable for the cold rolling of carbon steel alloy steel copper aluminum etc it has the characteristics of large rolling force high precision and strong stability the four high mill has automatic control function with the full hydraulic machine.
The cold rolling mill responsible for the stainless steel differs from the carbon steels being called cluster mill (20 high) or sendzimir (12 high), in single stand configuration, being constituted by monolithic stands, compact, multi-rolls, for material with a hardening level bigger than carbon steels.
cold rolling mill technology carbon steel products - AtaFinch. cold rolling mill technology carbon steel products. Reversing Cold Mills (RCM), consisting of a rolling stand, are the ideal plant type for an annual production in the range of 100,000 to 500,000 tons. They can roll a wide range of steel grades.
Steel Strip Reversing Cold Rolling Mill. production capacity. Steel Strip Reversing Cold Rolling Mill is the cold rolling production line with designed annual output of 225 thousand tons and adopts UCM-type single-stand mill. 1. Its usage. To roll high quality cold rolled steel coil( plain carbon steel) 2. …
As a world leader with more than 80 references over 60 years, our DMS 20Hi cold rolling mills go beyond expectations to process stainless or silicon steels with ultimate surface quality standards. We're also proud to announce a world first - a GIGA steel mill for ultra-advanced high-strength steel for the automotive industry. Now available with a roll change robot.
We offer Cold Rolling Mills suitable for SECONDARY and FINISH ROLLING of strips of carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel, aluminium and copper. * Stable driven, high rolling speed, big rolling force and high precision. 4-High Cold Rolling Mill uses working rolls and 2-back-up rolls to support action. It allows for input material to be <5mm ...
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