The article presents results obtained in the study of slab deformation process in the roughing stands of Severstal's Mill-2000 hot-rolling line. The implementation of a rolling process model based on the use of the DEFORM-3D software package for predicting the displacement of metal from the edges of the slab to the middle of the workpiece width is described. The convergence of the modeling ...

TrueForge proudly specializes in the buying and selling of heavy forging and steel working machinery, including rolling mills. Among our selection of rolling mills are hot plate & slab mills. We buy & sell used, refurbished or rebuilt forging machinery and equipment. We deliver these items to both domestic and international customers around the ...

then roll them thinner and longer through 12 successive rolling mill stands driven by motors totaling 77,000 hp, and finally coiling up the lengthened steel sheet for transport to the next process. The Hot Mill rolls slabs weighing up to 30 tons between 30" and 74". Steel slab 8 to 9 inches thick and up to 36

On the basis of proceedings of an international symposium on casting and rolling complexes the latest solutions for hot-rolled strip production by a combined process of continuous thin slab casting and rolling are reviewed. Advanced developments in the field of equipment and technologies are presented. The main tendencies and future tasks on this subject are noted.

Slabs. Slabs are semi-finished steel and are the end result of rolling ingots on a rolling mill or by processing them through a continuous casting process. Slabs will have rectangular cross sections and are used as the "starter" metals in the making of flat products such as steel plates or hot rolled coils.

Download Images of Rolling mills slabs - Free for commercial use, no attribution required. From: "U.S. Steel Edgar Thomson Works, 44" Slab Mill, Along Monongahela River, Braddock, Allegheny County, PA", to "U.S. Steel Edgar Thomson Works, 44" Slab Mill, Along Monongahela River, Braddock, Allegheny County, PA". Find Rolling mills slabs images dated from NaN to NaN.

1. Introduction. Strip breakages in steel rolling mills result in loss of production due to mill stoppage and may also cause damage to equipment. The magnitude of loss is even higher in the case of integrated processes like Thin Slab Casting and Rolling (TSCR) where all the processing stations are interlinked .In such a case, mill stoppages may affect upstream processes and can also lead to ...

The slab will be delivered to the rolling mill by a new tunnel furnace via a swiveltype ferry system. The layout - allows for the installation of the new caster and first portion of the tunnel furnace and swivel system without affecting the mill's production. Furthermore, two new roughing mills will be added to expand rolling capabilities.

Thin-slab casting and rolling processes are well known and have been in continuous development since their introduction at the end of the last cen-tury. In an attempt to find the optimum configura-tion to be able to economically operate and fully load the rolling mill, several different concepts have emerged that include up to three casting ...

Rolling mills. Rolling mill consists of rolls, bearings, structure, or housing for rigidly supporting these parts, power drive, power transmission system, speed control, roll gap adjusting set up, etc. The force for rolling generally is very high. The power requirements are very high. Hence initial capital investment is high.

Flat Rolling Analysis Results – without front and back tension p p µp µp σ σ x x + dσ x Stresses on Slab in Entry Zone Stresses on Slab in Exit Zone p p µp µp σ σ x x + dσ x Using slab analysis we can derive roll pressure distributions for the entry and exit zones as: h 0 and h b are the same thing 2tan1 ff RR H hh − φ = ()0 0 2 ...

Description: M Series - Mill Duty Eaton M-Series mill duty cylinders are engineered to meet the tough demands of primary metals customers for applications including arc furnaces, slab casters, rolling mills, coating lines and more.Available in standard bore sizes from 50 mm Bore Size: 2 to 16 inch; Operating Pressure: 250 to 5000 psi; Stroke: Up to 300 inch

without cold rolling this portion is quite limited. Arvedi ESP (endless strip production) technology, featuring the direct linking of a slab caster and hot-rolling mill in a continuous, uninterrupted production line, is providing new impulses for the flat-steel market. With this game-changing technology,

Remedy- Proper soaking of slabs. E. Mechanical Defect due to Mill (MDM) Any significant deep impression over the slab surface will create MDM defect over the plate in the process of rolling. The deep impression may be present on the slab or is generated in the process of charging, discharging or the rolling of the slab. It appears on

Vertical rolling is an important technique used to control the width of continuous casting slabs in the hot-rolling field. Accurate prediction of vertical rolling force is a core point maintaining rolling-mill equipment. Owing to the limitation of the algorithm in use, the prediction accuracy of most vertical rolling force models based on the energy method can only reach more than 10% ...

can be produced on different lines: hot rolling mills, plate mills, Steckel mills, thin slab compact strip mills [1]. For plate rolling these are plates of thickness 6-25, width up to 2500 mm and thickness 20-50 mm., width up to 2000 mm. For coils these are strips of thickness up to 12.5 mm and width up to 1850 mm.

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