Ferrites with the spinel structure have a wide field of technological applications. In the present study, various ferrite (Fe 3 O 4, CoFe 2 O 4 and Ni 0.5 Zn 0.5 Fe 2 O 4) nanoparticles were synthesized by mechanochemical reaction in aqueous solution of various chlorides (FeCl 3, CoCl 2 or NiCl 2 /ZnCl 2) and NaOH in a horizontal ball mill.Structures, morphologies, compositions and magnetic ...

Abstract The nanocrystalline Zn x Mn 1− x Fe 2 O 4 ( x = 0.1–0.9) powders were prepared by high-energy ball milling. Their structure and magnetic properties of Mn–Zn ferrites with various Zn content were investigated by means of X-ray diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscopy and magnetic property measurement system in this paper.

In this work, the effect of ball milling of Li 2 CO 3 and Fe 2 O 3 reagents on the Li 0.5 Fe 2.5 O 4 ferrite formation was studied by thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetric measurements using non-isothermal heating and cooling modes. In the latter case, the analysis was carried out with a magnetic field applied in order to estimate the Curie temperature of the synthesized ...

Mechanochemical treatment was performed in a planetary ball mill (Fritsch Pulferisette 5). A hardened-steel vial of 500 cm 3 volume, filled with hardened-steel balls of a diameter of 13.4 mm, was used as milling medium. The mass of the powder was 10 g and the balls-to-powder mass ratio was 20: 1. The milling was done in air without any additives.

High-energy ball milling is a solid-state processing technique very suitable for the prepa-ration of nanocrystalline ferrite powders exhibiting many of the useful properties listed above [8–11]. However, reports on preparation of nanocrystalline Mg-ferrites by high-energy ball milling of a mixture of MgO and -Fe2O3 are not found in the ...

For Peer Review Only 1 The structure of nitrogen-supersaturated ferrite produced by ball milling J. Aufrechta, A. Leinewebera*, J. Foctb, E.J. Mittemeijera aMax Planck Institute for Metals Research, Heisenbergstrasse 3, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany; bLaboratoire de Métallurgie Physique et Génie des Matériaux, UMR CNRS 8517, Université des Sciences et Technologies de

Abstract (Mg 0.476 Mn 0.448 Zn 0.007)(Fe 1.997 Ti 0.002)O 4 nanocrystalline powder prepared by high energy ball-milling process were consolidated by microwave and conventional sintering processes. Phases, microstructure and magnetic properties of the ferrites prepared by different processes were investigated. The (Mg 0.476 Mn 0.448 Zn 0.007)(Fe 1.997 Ti 0.002)O 4 nanocrystalline powder could ...

An effective synthesis method is reported for magnetic nickel ferrite (NiFe 2 O 4) nanoparticles involving planetary ball milling assisted solid-state reaction process.The precursors obtained by planetary ball milling the mixture of FeSO 4 · n 2 O, NiSO 4 ·, 2 O, NaOH and dispersant (NaCl) sufficiently at room temperature were calcined under different conditions to obtain pure NiFe 2 O 4 ...

content and the microstructures' magnetic properties were prepared by high energy ball milling. On this basis, the present work i focuses on the dependence of the preparation factor (milling time), by high energy ball milling, on the microwave absorption of natural ferrites. The microwave absorption of natural ferrites of varying particle ...

All samples of M-type hexagonal ferrites Sr 0.5 Ni 0.5 La x Fe 12 − x O 19 (x = 0, 0.08, 0.16, and 0.24) were synthesized by ball milling, followed by calcination in air [].The raw materials used in this study were SrC 2 O 4 ⋅H 2 O, NiC 2 O 4 ⋅2H 2 O, La 2 (C 2 O 4) 3 ⋅10H 2 O, and FeC 2 O 4 ⋅2H 2 O of analytical grade. The raw materials and ethanol were mixed and then milled in a ...

ZnFe 2 O 4 nanoparticles were prepared by high energy wet ball milling method from a mixture of metallic Zn and Fe powders (both from Merck Co., Germany with a minimum purity of 99 %) and double distillated water taken in molar ratio 1 (Zn) : 2 (Fe) : 4 (H 2 O). Of course, the distilled water was added to the Fe and Zn step by step in the course of milling.

sphere in planetary ball mill (Fritsch Pulverisette 5). All samples, with di erent starting compositions and milling times, were prepared and milled separately. At the ex-piration of the selected milling times (4, 10 and 25 h for the (1) case and 3, 12 and 25 h for (2) case) the mill was stopped and a small amount of powder was removed

Highlights Well-ordered NiFe 2 O 4 particles were directly obtained without subsequent calcination. The approach is ultrasonic-assisted solid–liquid reaction ball milling technique. Ultrasonic wave can accelerate the reactions and result in one-step synthesis. There is a intermediate product Fe 2 Ni 2 (OH) 8 CO 3 ⋅ 2H 2 O in the reaction process.

High-energy ball milling is a simple, effective and productive way to produce various nano-crystal powders in high-energy planetary ball mills [7]. High reactivity and small particle size can facilitate the production of high- density ceramics at low sintering temperatures [8]. Therefore, the SPS along with high-energy ball milling has

Nevertheless, most of the inorganic insulating materials including oxide ceramics and soft ferrites, exhibit brittleness and cannot not be well coated on the surfaces of magnetic particles by simple ball milling, and thus have weak effect on the improvement of electromagnetic properties for SMCs,,, . Increasing the coating content to make up ...

Nanoparticles Synthesized by Ball Milling H.S.Singh and Neha Sangwa Department of Physics, J. N. V. University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, INDIA Corresponding Author: H.S.Singh Abstract: Nickel ferrite nanoparticles were synthesized by High Energy Ball milling (HEBM) of the mixture of α-NiO and α-Fe 2 O 3 followed by annealing at 1000˚C.

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