NEW AND USED VERTICAL MILLS FOR SALE. Nelson Machinery sells VTM vertical tower mills (vertimill) and SMD stirred media detritor vertical mills. Vertical ball mills have a stationary vertical shell with a grinding screw. Many of them have shell-mounted motors and have a smaller footprint than traditional ball mills.

FS Van Norman 3V vertical 50 taper mill. Belongs to my brother. The mill is free, but rigging and hauling is up to you. Includes some 40 taper tooling with a 50 adapter. Two axis Heidenhain and other tooling and cutters. If at all interested I will. e-mail some pics. It runs quite well and is a beast. 1250rpm max. All axis power w/rapids.

9" x 49" Brand New Wells-Index Vertical Milling Machine, Mdl. 747-2, Variable Speed Head with Exclusive Direct Lever Control for Quick Easy Speed Adjustment, Precision Vernier Scale for Quick Depth Setting., Rigid Overarm on Wide Dovetails, The Spindle is Supported by Four (4) Angular Contact Bearings for Added Rigidity and Precision, Stronger Head Clamping Than Usually Found, 3-3/8" Quill ...

The MLXSS700M vertical mill gearbox is a modular product, based on NGC's new-generation platform. Thanks to the platform's high-end technology, including system dynamics simulation, multi-target gear modification, optimization of shape topology, lubrication and sealing simulation, the product not only guarantees a high performance, but also shortens the overall development and delivery cycle.

3 HP spindle motor, 16 speeds step pulley milling head 9" x 42" hardened and ground table Table, saddle, and knee with hardened and ground dovetail ways Precision ground leadscrews with backlash compensating double nut Precision bored and ground milling head, with super precision ABEC-7 bearings Meehanite® casting, with built in coolant reservoir in machine base Centralized one-shot ...

HLM Series vertical roller mill is a kind of advanced mill developed by Hongcheng based on two decades of R&D experience and introduction of foreign advanced technology. It features in a combination of drying, grinding, classifying and conveying. HLM vertical grinding mill, has high grinding efficiency, low power consumption, large feed size, product fineness easy adjustment, equipment process ...

New Equipment; Contact Us; Quote Cart. Equipment. Filters. Country. United States (6) Types. CNC Lathes (4) Horizontal Table Type Boring Mills (1) Reciprocating Surface Grinders (1) Velocity Control Unit (1) Vertical Mills (1) Brands. ACER (2) FANUC (1) GIDDINGS & (1) HARDINGE (1) SEIKI (1) MORI SEIKI (2) Sort By. Select option ...

BERTHIEZ MODEL: TVM 125 CNC VERTICAL BORING MILL WITH LIVE MILLING NEW: 1997. Add to Quote Cart. 63.0in. Capacity--Swing--Work Ht-U/R--Power. BULLARD _UNKNOWN_ BORING MILLS, VERTICAL, N/C & CNC. Stock #: 67909. Used - Good. Add to Quote Cart. 54" CNC Bullard Cutmaster CNC Vertical Boring Mill Professional Retrofit done 2006. Add to Quote Cart.

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