Roto-Grind Tub Grinder . Manufacturer: Burrows Enterprises, LLC., Greeley Colorado Model: 760 Serial #: 1631020 Height: 8 feet 6 inches Grinder Weight: 3500lbs. Tub Dimensions: 9 feet at the top of the tub, by 7-1/2 feet at the bottom of the tub, by 51 inches deep Capacity: ~15 ton/hr Fair condition Last used around 15 yrs ago

Popular brands of tub grinders available on MachineryTrader include Diamond Z, DuraTech, Hogzilla, Morbark, and Vermeer, just to name a few. Morbark, as an example, sells 950, 1000, 1100, 1200XL, 1300B, and 1600 tub grinders. They range in size, which makes them good for different operations. The 950 is more compact whereas the 1600 is the ...

Manufacturer of the Roto Grind Tub Grinders, Grain Grinders, & Fisher Pumps. Our Roto Grind machines are in high demand for all Dairy & Beef feeders. Save time, labor, and fuel costs by pre-grinding your bales. Low cost Grain grinders with high volume, much more efficient than Roller mills and screen type hammer mills. Fisher Pumps are used for irrigation and liquid manure systems.

1. ROTO GRIND 760. Tub Grinders/Bale Processors. For Sale Price: USD $12,500. Get Financing*. Serial Number: 1352017. Condition: Used. Good condition, We ran this and it works fine Came off a farm that sold there cows, so they had no need for it anymore, was used this fall right up till the cows were gone.

Roto Grind Tub Grinders are complete with the following standard equipment: Tub Control Governor Tub Speed Control Hydraulic Hoses Adjustable Riser Standard Curved Spout Tires Mounted Shear Bolt P.T.O. Twine Guards Hardened Hammer Pins Hard Surfaced Lead Hammers Standard Hammers Assembled price, suggested retail F.O.B. Manufacturing Plant: DESCRIPTION PRICE …

Roto Grind Straw Mill. Roto Grind is a unique concept delivering improved efficiency on some of the UK's best farms. Providing a solution to the previously time consuming task of feeding a consistent source of long fibre in dairy and beef rations, Roto Grind will reduce your feeding time and provide a much improved diet to your cattle, resulting in improved animal performance.

We've ran 3500 bales through it and are still on the first of 4 sides of the hammers, one patch on the band. They work great for frozen and dry bales, but as someone said, plug a LOT in wet stuff. Put 200 horse power on it and it will grind! We fought conventional tub grinders for years, and these are nice for their simplicity.

Brands Include: Morbark - Vermeer - Diamond Z- DuraTech - FHE - WHO - Precision Husky - Toro- Hogzilla - more. Please see our current selection of used Tub Grinders for sale listed below. If you have any questions regarding a listing, or would like help selecting the right Tub Grinder for your operation, please take advantage of our free consultation.

Tub grinders get their name from a pretty obvious source: the recyclable materials are fed into a large tub and then literally ground down. The main differences you'll find between new and used tub grinders for sale are the size of the tubs, which impacts the maximum amount of materials they can hold at a given time, and the power of the ...

New and Used Roto Grind 760 Tub Grinders. New and Used Roto Grind 760 Tub Grinders The PTO-driven ROTO GRIND tub grinder is a low cost screenless hammer mill that can be used for a variety of purposes.They're rugged, dependable, and mobile. Call (559) 359 0386 to arrange a free demonstration. to arrange a free demonstration. Get Price

The Roto Grind Grain Grinders are high capacity grain processors that allow you to control the consistency and size of grind without sacing capacity. University tests show increased milk production when using finely ground corn over rolled corn in the feed ration. Milk gains of 1.5 to 3.0 litres per cow per day have been achieved!

New and Used Roto Grind 760 Tub Grinders The PTO-driven ROTO GRIND tub grinder is a low cost screenless hammer mill that can be used for a variety of purposes. They're rugged, dependable, and mobile. Call (559) 359 0386 to arrange a free demonstration. If you get our voicemail, please let us know four things: 1. Your phone number, 2.

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