Before that the only models imported were the following, the manual 837 mill, 320-3 CNC and 420-3 CNC mills were all made using Taiwanese iron in early 1980's to 1986. Sytem 5 and system 4 CNC model mills were imported from Spain in the same time period. All other model machines made with the Index and Wells-Index logo were made in the USA.

INSTRUCTION MANUAL WELLS INDEX MILL IV. ADJUSTMENTS A. PROPER GIB ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE MUST BE DONE AFTER 40-HOURS ON NEW MILLS Each 700 and 800 series of mills have three gibs. One at front dovetail of table; one on left dove tail of saddle; one on left dovetail of knee. Each gib is supplied with two lock or adjustment screws.

Knee Vertical Mills > Wells-Index Model 823 May 12, 2014· I bought an old Wells-Index Model 823 CNC knee mill thats in overall good shape but it didnt have a controller with it. The guy I bought it off of wired it up with a 48v dc power suppy and used manual pushputtons to control the direction and a pot to control the speed of the servos ...

Model 747, 747VS, 847, 860 Model 837 Model 745, 756, 760, 845, 856 ... Model 55 Model 50 Model 45 Model 40 Model 40-H Model 900 CNC Model 700 CNC Model NC 823-C IRD-125 Radial Drill. Wells-Index milling machines, manual or CNC, knee-type mills, vertical or horizontal milling machines for all your drilling and boring needs. ... knee-type mills ...

Looking for any information on an Index Model 55 vertical mill. Likes: 0. Results 1 to 11 of 11 Thread: Looking for any information on an Index Model 55 vertical mill. Thread Tools. Show Printable Version; 11-18-2009, 08:40 PM #1. Earl's Boy. View Profile View Forum Posts Plastic Join Date Oct 2009 Location Ohio USA Posts ...

High Productivity Through Automation. Haas HA5C Series rotary indexers are the ideal choice for holding smaller parts. They are easy to program, interface, and set up; and our precision in-house manufacturing and machining processes ensure high quality and years of dependable operation. With more than three decades of refinement, Haas rotary ...

9" x 49" Brand New Wells-Index Vertical Milling Machine, Mdl. 747-2, Variable Speed Head with Exclusive Direct Lever Control for Quick Easy Speed Adjustment, Precision Vernier Scale for Quick Depth Setting., Rigid Overarm on Wide Dovetails, The Spindle is Supported by Four (4) Angular Contact Bearings for Added Rigidity and Precision, Stronger Head Clamping Than Usually Found, 3-3/8" Quill ...

There was Index of Jackson Michigan, another Index company and then Wells-Index. Short story is I don't know. The timeline goes sorta like this. There was a vertical 40 which was belt driven and was about #1 1/2 machine. There was the #60 which was a more heavy horizontal #2 machine and then the 55 which was verticle version of the #60.

Starting at $15,950. Wells-Index mills have a completely different milling head design than any other milling machine in the world. Most heads are based on a Bridgeport design and have been cloned by Taiwanese and Chinese manufacturers. The Wells-Index milling head is a much more robust and durable design for heavy cutting with most components ...

I'm looking at a Index vertical mill, Ser. no. 645 12445, model 555 and 645. He has a good price on it, just wondering if its worth $1000 I have searched and have found some info, but I don't know if its a Well Index. It uses R8 collet. It looks good, has been stored for a while in a unheated barn, but everything looks good other than surface ...

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