X8 Belt Linisher (Swivel)/Disc sander/Polishing Machine With Pedestal Stand. $606.00. EX8L Belt Linisher (Swivel)/Disc sander/Polishing Machine. $626.00. Taper Spindles & Buffing Wheels for Bench Grinder M16 x 2.0mm. $95.00. Package of 3 Machines, Polising Machines / Linisher (Swivel 360) with wire wheel / Bench Grinders. $989.00. EX8 Belt ...

Buffing does not remove metal, but uses a soft abrasive blended in a wax or grease base to produce a high-lustre surface. Grinding is the most comprehensive and diversified of all machining methods and is employed on many materials—predominantly iron and steel but also other metals, wood, plastics, stone, glass, pottery and so on.

AS a leading manufacturer in china more than 18 years, Dongguan Jinzhu Machine Equipment Co.,ltd is specialized in design and produce polishing machine, buffing machine and grinding machines. A confortable environment with A/c office, 20+ professional & experienced engineers are working and focusing on designing and researching.

A wide variety of steel buffing machine options are available to you, such as industrial, diy.You can also choose from electric, steel buffing machine,As well as from 10a, 4a, and 16a. and whether steel buffing machine is detailing, general purpose, or wet polishing. There are 3858 steel buffing machine suppliers, mainly located in Asia., and

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