ENGINEERING AND GINNING Energy Utilization and Conservation in Cotton Gins Paul A. Funk* and Robert G. Hardin IV P.A. Funk, USDA-ARS-Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory, PO Box 578, Mesilla Park, NM 88047 and R.G. Hardin IV, USDA-ARS-Cotton Ginning Research Unit, 111 Experiment Station Road, P.O. Box 256, …

By Jim.Robinson | July 14, 2011. With a large new crop of (still) high-priced cotton on its way, investors in Pakistan are increasing their ginning capacity by investing nearly $35 million into the opening of 40 new plants and expanding the capacity of existing ones, according to a story published in the Pakistan Observer. Advertisement.

It implies the idea of getting the ball rolling, setting things in motion, or commencing an activity. The term "ginning" in this context signifies the action of starting or initiating. Example sentence: "We need someone with strong leadership skills to get the ball ginning on this project.". 2. Ginning Up Enthusiasm.

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