Overview. Founded on November 11, 2003, the Company was later acquired on December 18, 2007 by PT Tiara Marga Trakindo through its subsidiary, PT S umberdaya Sewatama and PT Sanggar Sarana Baja. The Company later acquired by PT ABM Investama Tbk. on October 23, 2009. A year later, on December 14, 2010, Reswara perform acquisition on …
Misi. 1. Secara terus menerus menciptakan lapangan kerja yang layak dan berkualitas bagi sebanyak mungkin rakyat Indonesia. 2. Selalu memastikan pertumbuhan bisnis yang berkelanjutan dan menguntungkan yang memaksimalkan nilai pemegang saham. 3. Senantiasa menyediakan solusi - solusi bernilai tambah yang akan mengoptimalkan …
PT TUNAS INTI ABADI. Gedung TMT1, Lt9 Jalan Cilandak KKO No. 1 Jakarta 12560 Indonesia Phone : (021) 299 767 56 (hunting) Fax : (021) 788 460 03. Contact Form. Customer satisfaction is key. Please send a message related our company and we will follow up. Thank you for visiting our website. MIFA_Bottom.
PT Tunas Inti Abadi. 352 pengikut. 2 mgg. "Water is Life, Water is Food" adalah tema Hari Pangan Sedunia 2023. Meski Bumi merupakan planet yang dikelilingi oleh air, kebanyakan dari kita melupakan fakta bahwa hanya 2,5% yang merupakan air tawar. ¾ dari air tawar tersebut digunakan untuk Agriculture mencakup pertanian, peternakan ...
ABM pursues a lofty vision of becoming a company with strategic investments in energy resources, energy services, and energy infrastructure. Accordingly, in our business development, we strive to integrate and create synergy among our business units in order to fulfill the needs of the supply-chain activities of energy and mining businesses.
PT TUNAS INTI ABADI. Gedung TMT 1, Lt 9 Jalan Cilandak KKO Jakarta 12560 Indonesia Phone : (021) 299 767 56 (hunting) Fax : (021) 788 460 03. Message Form. Customer satisfaction is key. Please send a message related products and sales of PT Tunas Inti Abadi and we will follow up. Thank you for visiting our website.
Infrastructure. To support coal production optimization, The company has build integrated coal processing facility and coal terminal, i.e: owned 26 km all-weathered coal hauling road, owned flatback feeder breaker for coal handling and barging, owned special coal terminal, and approximately 9 sea miles distance for transshipment at Bunati ...
Products & Marketing. Customer satisfaction is the key. PT Tunas Inti Abadi sells the product with the best commitment and mutual benefit. With infrastructure that is owned, ranging from mine infrastructure, specifically haul roads, as well as Special Coal Terminal, the Company seeks to optimize its production consistently in quantity and quality.
Reswara acquisition of PT Tunas Inti Abadi (TIA) and the June 2011 acquisition of PT Media Djaya Together (MDB). Tunas Inti Abadi. TIA was established on November 11, 2003, which was later acquired by the SS and SSB in December 2007. Subsequently, in mid-2010, PT ABM acquired TIA of the SS, and eventually transfer ownership to …
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