To address these issues, this study proposes an improved method for detecting gangue and foreign matter in coal, utilizing a gangue selection robot with an enhanced YOLOv7 network model. The proposed approach entails the collection of coal, gangue, and foreign matter images using an industrial camera, which are then utilized …

The gangue minerals of ore deposits formed at high temperatures differ from those deposited at lower temperatures. The principal ones are as follows: hydrothermal: apatite, garnet, mica, quartz, topaz, tourmaline ; epithermal: adularia, alunite, calcite, chalcedony, fluorite, opal, quartz. Ore in huge tonnages is mined and treated ...

Rib spalling is one of the main factors restricting the safe and efficient production of the fully mechanized mining face in gangue-bearing coal seams, and the gangue has significant influence on the occurrence of rib spalling. In this study, the instability process and mechanical mechanism of rib spalling in gangue-bearing coal …

Cette notion de gangue est, en fait, assez floue, car elle est étroitement subordonnée aux besoins de l'économie et à l'avance de la technologie ; ainsi, des minéraux actuellement sans valeur peuvent donner lieu à une exploitation rentable dans un avenir proche. D'autres minéraux, comme la fluorine, sont ici considérés comme gangue et ...

Coal gangue is a kind of industrial solid waste with serious ecological and environmental implications. Producing concrete with coal gangue aggregate is one of the green sustainable development requirements. This paper reviews the properties and preparation methods of Chinese gangue aggregate, studies the influence of gangue …

Keywords Coal gangue · Microbial community · Carbon source · Microbial remediation · Acid pollution Background Coal gangue accounts for approximately 10~30% of raw coal production and is solid waste generated during coal mining, washing, and processing (Hu et al. 2005). Acidication of coal gangue during storage releases many poisonous and

1. Introduction. The accumulation of coal gangue (gangue) has wasted lots of land resources [1], and the harmful components in gangue will migrate into soil after rain-washed [2].Moreover, gangue also encounters a serious spontaneous combustion problem which always resulting in a large amount of harmful gas emission [3, 4].Nowdays, the …

Among coal mining-related wastes, coal gangue (CG) is the heterogeneous waste generated during the mineral processing or coal washing phase of coal mining. A thorough understanding of environmental concerns associated with the current model of CG utilization and potential future application is gaining paramount importance.

Synthesis and development of high-efficiency and low-cost adsorbents for treating of the wastewater containing heavy metal ions and/or dyes has been aroused worldwide attention in recent years. In this study, the coal gangue as the only supply of Si and Al was adopted to synthesize sodalite using hydrothermal method. Both the gangue …

The cemented coal gangue backfill (CGB) in coal mining is normally made of gangue (particle size of 0–15 mm), fly ash, cement, and water. In this study, the effects of the weight content (ranging from 20% to 60%) of fine gangue (0–5 mm) on the microscopic characteristics, resistivity, and compressive strength of CGB were investigated at 3 d ...

Research Key Highlights - Solutions containing NO 3-and Ca 2+ increased the depression of gangue as shown by lower gangue recoveries. - The concentrate grades were higher in solutions containing Ca 2+ and NO 3-compared to those which contained Na +, Cl −, and SO 4 2−. - Ca 2+ and NO 3-resulted in a less negative zeta potential compared to Na + …

Gangue. Gangue (n. f.) de l'allemand Gang, chemin ; mis figurativement pour filon : La gangue comprend généralement l'ensemble des roches et minéraux sans intérêt économique, qui entourent les minerais, ou les gemmes, dans leurs gisements. Les constituants de la gangue finiront sur la verse (ou halde ), et/ou dans les terrils.

Gangue. Gangue is the worthless substance that is left behind when minerals are processed. When minerals are collected, the ore that is wanted is found only in small amounts. Flotation is used to concentrate the ore. The ore floats while the gangue sinks to the bottom. Sometimes minerals thought of as gangue are later recovered and used.

Dictionnaire de l'Académie française, huitième édition (1932-1935) GANGUE. n. f. T. de Minéralogie. Substance pierreuse ou autre qui enveloppe les minéraux dans le sein de la terre. La gangue d'un diamant. Il se dit, par extension, en termes d' Anatomie, d'une Substance amorphe enveloppant un élément anatomique.

The over-exploitation of resources caused by the increasing coal demand has resulted in a sharp increase in solid waste emissions mainly gangue, which has made the burden on the environment, economy, resources, and society of our country heavier. In order to achieve a balance between energy consumption and solid waste emission in …

This chapter discusses the methodology for characterisation and identification of the minerals defined and selected in Chap. 133 as common gangue minerals. As shown in the compilation presented (Table 134.1), the very low reflectance of most gangue minerals (either measured or reckoned by the Fresnel equation) distinguishes them …

Cette gangue, qui appauvrit le minerai et que l'on cherche à rejeter, présente des formes très variées : elle peut être volatile ou solide, exprimée ou combinée, ferrifère ou stérile. L'utilisation du minerai de fer dépend étroitement de ces aspects. BARYTINE. Écrit par Yannick LOZAC'H; 1 677 mots; Elle est fréquente comme minéral de

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